OpenWeb’s tech unicorn CEO, Nadav Shoval, declines to step down despite the board appointing a new chief

Nadav Shoval

OpenWeb’s founder and CEO, Nadav Shoval, has rejected stepping down after the company’s board of directors named Tim Harvey as the interim CEO, as revealed in a LinkedIn post.

“I have not stepped down as OpenWeb’s CEO,” Shoval stated in his LinkedIn post.

According to a recent Fortune report, the board of directors appointed Tim Harvey, chairman of the content moderation platform, as the new acting CEO earlier this week.

In addition, Shoval said that by announcing a change in leadership rather than addressing conduct issues, the board had violated his employment contract.

I recently informed the company that they breached my contract, which was meant to directly address troubling conduct by the Board of Directors. In his statement, Shoval said, “The Board chose to act against OpenWeb’s best interests by announcing a leadership transition at an unexpected company-wide meeting rather than finding a solution to the problems.

Shoval’s post also emphasized his refusal to accept the board’s decision.

“I do not agree with these actions. I will continue to fight for OpenWeb’s mission and purpose alongside our team,” Shoval reiterated in his post.

Shoval’s email exchange

Nadav Shoval sent multiple emails to employees, refuting the board’s claim that he was stepping down as CEO.

“The board has incorrectly stated that I am stepping down from my position as CEO,” Shoval wrote in an email to OpenWeb staff, as reported by several sources.

“Let me be clear: this is not true, nor is it my intention,” he clarified.

The exchange continued when Tim Harvey, the interim CEO, responded to Shoval’s email, confirming that the CEO transition process would move forward as planned.

“We are moving forward with the CEO transition as planned,” Harvey wrote in an email to employees, as reported by CTech and quoted by the news portal.

“We are committed to treating all parties involved with the utmost respect and valuing their contributions to OpenWeb as we move forward.” He stated, “Our top priorities continue to be our partners’ value creation, stability, and continuous success,” as reported in the study.

In an official statement, OpenWeb confirmed, “We welcome Tim Harvey as interim CEO, succeeding Nadav Shoval,” and thanked Shoval “for his passion and contributions as the founder and CEO of OpenWeb.”

As of 2022, OpenWeb, a $1.5 billion firm, did not reply to inquiries from the news portal.

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