Top investor warns that the US is heading towards a severe recession

Matt Higgins

According to Matt Higgins, CEO and co-founder of RSE Ventures, the US might be on the verge of a recession that could materialize soon. Higgins believes that the potential recession could be prolonged and its impact quite severe. He points to the significant levels of debt and unemployment in the US as factors that could contribute to this economic downturn.

Is the United States truly heading towards a recession?

A recession could pose a significant challenge for the US economy, with its effects potentially lasting for at least five years. Higgins’ analysis indicates that the forthcoming recession could result in substantial job losses. While the recession itself might not be prolonged, its impact is expected to be intense and could shape the economic landscape for the foreseeable future.

Artificial intelligence could play a key role against recession.

Mark Higgins believes that AI could play a crucial role in mitigating the effects of the recession in the United States. He suggests that AI could assist in economic planning and generate employment across major US regions. Currently, AI is making significant inroads in the tech industry, with its share of employment expected to grow in the coming years. As AI continues to advance, it is projected to create more jobs and boost revenue for the country.

Higgins envisions AI’s evolution as a key tool for addressing unemployment issues, which could be a lasting consequence of any upcoming recession.


Is AI helping employment in the United States?

Yes, artificial intelligence is contributing to job creation in the United States. Experts believe AI can also help mitigate the effects of a recession by generating employment and assisting in economic planning.

Is the US on the brink of a recession?

Financial experts suggest that the United States may be nearing a recession, which is expected to be short and intense.’

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